Hey there friend! If this is your first trip to my little corner of the internet, then welcome! If not, welcome back! ? This is somewhat of a special day for me… My first home tour! Well, partial home tour that is ? My friend Brittany from Our Home Made Easy is hosting today’s Christmas light home tour and I am so excited to join her! If I’m completely honest, I’m a teeny bit (okay, maybe a lotta bit) nervous to share what I’ve come up with this year for decor because I’m still working on figuring out my “style” for Christmas. So, let me show you the more traditional red and green I’m starting with and maybe this time next year, we’ll have something vastly different. ?
My favorite part of my decor this year has to be my banister. I actually layered three different kinds of garland to create the look as well as a hanging bushel style greenery at the end to make things look a little more full. The warm white twinkling lights were just the right addition to make it look magical.
I couldn’t do any decorating in my kitchen this year (not yet anyway), because it’s been under some construction. We built our house last year, so you’d think there’d be nothing for awhile, but when the kitchen was installed, the peninsula for the counter was secured to the drainpipe from the master bathroom instead of a stud. Whoops! Unfortunately that allowed the water to leak into the wall behind and grow mold. Everything is remedied and put back together now (FINALLY!) but we still have to repaint and rehang the floating shelves in there. So in the meantime, we’ll skip over that. ?
We decorated our tree with all our sentimental ornaments and a few different colored bulbs this year as opposed to doing a themed one like a lot of others I’ve seen online (maybe next year ?). David’s mother gives the girls a new ornament each year at Christmas and we try to get a family ornament each season as well, so our collection is ever expanding. The tree ended up being the perfect backdrop for Gracie and Anna’s Christmas pictures this year, don’t you think?
Our living room is just past the dining room playroom and, despite not really knowing my “style” yet, I am very happy with how things turned out. Our tv is right above the fireplace so it doesn’t leave much space when it comes to decorating the mantel but I couldn’t turn down the challenge. ? I kept it simple and dressed it up with garland and battery powered twinkling lights. When I decorated the bookshelves, I took everything off so I could start with a clean slate. I actually had to call my best friend when putting the shelves together to help me with the trial and error of discovering the balance it needed. In the end, it was a success!
I still can’t believe we’ve been in our house over a year already and are about to celebrate our second Christmas here. Wow! Time flies! I had a silly “aha!” moment when decorating in here this year… You don’t have to use all the decor you have in order to make things look good. Say what?! I always tried to find places for everything in previous years (and homes) and I never really LOVED it. This year, I still have half empty tubs of decorations in the basement and I’m totally happy with leaving them there. ?
Now that everything is decorated, I am ready to sit back with a cup of coco and enjoy the season. I didn’t realize how much joy I would feel when everything was put together. I can’t help but smile every time I turn on all the lights and watch the place glow. Thank you so much for letting me share my home all decked out for Christmas with you. I hope you have a beautiful holiday season and a wonderful New Year.
9 Comments on Merry and Bright Christmas Home Tour
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Love your traditional red and green Christmas! That is still my favorite. I was honored to be a part of the home tour with all of you talented bloggers! Happy New Year!
I loved it too! I hope we can all partner up again soon! ?
awww that picture of your two kids is too precious! Your home looks beautiful!
Thank you so much Jaclyn!
your sweet little ones in the jammies! SO CUTE!
Thank you!!