Hey there friend!
If you are reading this, then I know that there is at least one spot in your home, full of clutter, you’re itching to get straightened out. Maybe even more than one. 😉 My husband, girlies and I moved last December and I did (what I thought) was an AWESOME job at decluttering. No way was I about to bring a bunch of junk to our new house! If you’ve been there too, then you know what I mean. No matter how hard you try, at least a little bit of clutter follows you when you move.
When things are organized it takes a lot less time to keep things clean and tidy on a regular basis. If you identify the sneaky ways that clutter enters your home then you can come up with a way to prepare for it when it arrives and/or stop it form forming at all. For example, if you have a system set up for handling your mail when you walk through the door, then you are less likely to end up surrounded with piles of it when you have no time to actually deal with it.
Benefits of a space free of clutter
There’s a lot more to being organized and clutter free than just the aesthetics aspect of it. Decluttering is so much more than just creating a beautiful, organized space. Decluttering creates a sort of confidence in you and leaves you feeling accomplished. It’s energizing and reduces anxiety which can also reduce tension in your home. I know when things are a mess in my house I feel extremely overwhelmed and irritated. I am much more fun to be around when I don’t have those issues to deal with. 😉 Decluttering can also get you moving and even sparks some creativity when trying to find a place for everything or when attempting to repurpose what you find.
Look at the clutter in your home.
As you look around, take note of the problem spots, where they came from, and start brainstorming a way, or system, that will keep them from forming again in the future. The best way to tackle these spots in your home is to sort each item into different categories; needs a system/needs to be reorganized/repurposed, the unneeded and the broken/trash. As you are sorting, ask yourself how long you’ve had each item, how often you’ve actually used it since you purchased it, and whether or not it’s worth replacing. If it’s something that is used frequently, consider buying a better quality replacement so that it’ll last longer.
Set Up Systems For Problem Spots
Remember those problem spots we talked about a minute ago? See if you can come up with a system to prevent it from becoming one again. Mail is usually the toughest to keep under control for most people. To combat this in our home, we signed up for paperless billing and it decreased our incoming mail substantially. I shred or recycle any junk mail that comes in and put any “action items” (things I have to do something with later like bills) in a bin in the office. It literally takes 5 minutes or less to take care of, but saves tons of time later. If you find yourself surrounded by clutter again in the future, it’s either because you haven’t used your systems, or they just weren’t the right fit for you.
If the latter is true, check out my Organizing Board on Pinterest. I have put together a collection of beautiful and practical organization tips from all over the internet. You’ll find things like pantry and kitchen organization, bathroom, diy, office and command centers, craft room. You’ll also find tips for staying organized and decluttering, toy and playroom organization, closet and bedroom organization, as well as how to organize small, odd areas of the house and so much more. However, if you are seeing clutter pile up again because you haven’t used your systems then start asking yourself “Why am I choosing to make my life more difficult when I can take 2 seconds to handle this now and then not have to worry about it later?”
Don’t let the clutter find it’s way back in.
This has got to be not only the hardest, but also the most commonly forgotten step. How do you keep the clutter from finding it’s way back in? Well, when you are out shopping, before you make a purchase, ask yourself these questions:
Do I REALLY need it?
I mean absolutely need, not want so much it feels like you need it. 😉 Consider how often you’re going to use the item when asking yourself this question.
What can I get rid of?
If you are making a purchase to replace something you already have, make a plan to get rid of the “old” one BEFORE you purchase the new. If you can get rid of the old before going shopping for the new, you totally rock!
Do I have space for it?
If you are making a purchase to replace something that’s broken or been donated, then great! But if not, you need to decide where are you going to keep your new purchase before making it.