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Are you going to be moving soon? I’d hate for you to feel overwhelmed on moving day, so let me help you get organized so you can have a move that’s as stress-free as possible. Let’s face it, moving is a pain in the tookus as it is, the easier we can make this process, the better. Not sure how to go about this? Read on for some of my favorite tips!

Moving Soon? Let's Get You Organized!

Make a plan well before moving day.

You should always have a plan for how things are going to go for anything you are trying to accomplish, but especially when you’re moving. If you have a plan in place, even a rough one, you can use it as a guide to share with your team, so they know what is going on, and when. This makes it a lot easier for you to get through the entire moving process without being repeatedly interrupted. If you are like me and get super-duper foggy and forgetful, sit down and make sure your plan contains every last detail. Everything that’s a “must-do” should be included to avoid any mishaps when moving day gets here. 

Want to know the best part about having a plan? You can make copies and pass them out to your team! They will know what they need to do, when they need to do it, what needs to go where etc. It’s also helpful to have a floorplan (rough sketch works great too!) of your new home so you can label boxes and rooms and work without being peppered with a million questions about where things go or what needs to be done. I can attest to the fact it’s much less stressful being able to put headphones in, and just work through your plan than it is to be constantly answering questions.

Hire a team of movers.

If you want to be organized, you’re going to need a team to help you with the move. Doing the move on your own is just far too much for any one person to do on their own. Even if you can endure doing a lot of the work, you really should have someone to help you move the heavier items so you won’t hurt yourself. That’s when a moving company like Two Men and a Truck (or Two Men And A Truck for my UK readers ?) come in. They’re specialists who are trained to help you make your move as easy as possible. If a moving company just isn’t in the budget for you, reach out to family and friends! The offer of pizza and (grown-up) drinks has always gotten us a few helpers whenever we’ve needed it. ?

Think about hiring a cleaning service to come in and deep clean for you too! Once you’ve gotten everything out, you probably won’t want to go back and deep clean too. I know I didn’t! It can be an overwhelming task to handle on your own after everything has been moved out of the house. Hiring a cleaning service is something that I would have done if I were to go back and do it all over again when we moved into our house a few years ago. I had nightmares for months after we moved about going back and forth between our old house and new trying to get everything cleaned.

Organize while you pack.

Finally, the absolute BEST time to purge all the clutter in your home is when you move! You don’t want to take a bunch of junk that you’ll shut away in the basement or a closet and not look at it again for several years. (Ask me how I know ?) As you are packing up boxes, organize as you go. As you figure out what will stay and what will go. Also, think about where things will be put away in your new home. If I could do it all over, I would have done a walkthrough of our new home and started brainstorming different systems I could implement for organizing and been much better off in the long run. Don’t do what I did and let yourself be stressed throughout the whole moving process. Try out a few of my tips and see if that makes things a little easier for you.

Good luck, and hopefully, the entire process goes smoothly. You’ve got this! Talk soon!

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