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Let me show you how I organized my Facebook groups in order to maximize my blog growth and build working relationships with other bloggers.Hello friends! Since I started blogging I have found such an abundance of resources, it has gotten overwhelming. If you are a newbie blogger too, you know what I mean! Amongst all of the resources I found were TONS of invitations to Facebook groups, and I joined them all. What the heck was I thinking?? When I joined the groups my entire Facebook feed filled up with blogging tips, tricks, questions, solutions, and most importantly, opportunities to promote my work. The only problem with all of those things was that I was never ready for those opportunities, and I never knew when they were happening. Something had to change. The first thing I did was sort through all of my groups on Facebook. You can find your groups on the left side of your computer screen when you are logged into Facebook under the “explore” drop down.

where to find your groups

You’ll want to click “manage” at the top of the page

where to manage your groups

I opened each of the groups in a new tab so that the list in the manage tab remained in order. When I didn’t do this, the list of groups shuffled and made the process take much longer than it needed to be. Don’t ask me how I know this… 😀


Oh em gee. This took me longer than I care to admit, primarily because I found myself participating in a lot of group discussions. I looked long and hard at each group to see if it was one I wanted to remain a part of. I, like a lot of people, have been added to TONS of direct sales and random groups I would rather not be in, so I quietly left those.

where to change group settings

If I did want to remain a part of the group, but not see the group in my newsfeed I unfollowed them. I like to be a member of groups that offer great resources, but I don’t necessarily need to see them constantly. 😉

how to leave a Facebook group

While I was going through each of my groups, I took notes on which groups offered opportunities to promote my own work as well as opportunities to ask for help and find ways to collaborate with other bloggers. I focused my efforts on groups that would help me grow as a blogger and benefit from. Most of these groups had specific instructions on what each day was planned for and I made notes on those as well.

I organized things further by assigning each group to a day of the week based upon each groups rules. This became my daily “Facebook To-Do List”. While promoting your own content is great, you don’t want to be that person that is known for doing only that. In the world of blogging, promoting other people’s content as well and offering input where you can will help you build much needed relationships. You never know when you might need help in the future and want to have someone(s) to reach out to. Long story short, building relationships is very important! Since I created my lists, I give myself a 1-3 time block each day to visit all my groups and participate in as many threads as I can. This has helped me not only grow as a blogger, but grow my stats and develop relationships with other bloggers. I can’t begin to tell you how much stress has been lifted since organizing my Facebook Groups. Not only that, but I have more free time to focus on other areas of my blog (and home) without feeling like I am losing out on all the awesome opportunities presented to me.

Facebook groups to visit

You can find my Facebook Group printable here!

Let me show you how I organized my Facebook groups in order to maximize my blog growth and build working relationships with other bloggers.

Let me show you how I organized my Facebook groups in order to maximize my blog growth and build working relationships with other bloggers.

Let me show you how I organized my Facebook groups in order to maximize my blog growth and build working relationships with other bloggers.

Let me show you how I organized my Facebook groups in order to maximize my blog growth and build working relationships with other bloggers.

Let me show you how I organized my Facebook groups in order to maximize my blog growth and build working relationships with other bloggers.
















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2 Comments on How I Organized My Facebook Groups To Maximize My Blog Growth

  1. I hear you. When I started blogging I got overwhelmed as well by all the blogging groups and only slowly I am figuring out which groups I am actually benefiting the most from. Thank you so much for sharing your tips.

    • Hi Claudia!
      I was able to weed out quite a few not so helpful groups the first couple of weeks I used the system and it has helped so much! Good luck getting your groups organized!!

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