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A house on a culdesac with a farmer's porch and a white picket fence was what I always dreamed my future would hold, and it's almost here!

A house on a culdesac with a farmer’s porch, a white picket fence and two little kids running around the yard was what I always dreamed my life as a grown up would have, and folks, I think it’s almost here!! Though, the fence will have to wait for now. view of our culdesac
digging the foundation

We began digging the foundation August 26th.

framing the foundation

They erected the forms for pouring the foundation August 29th.

pouring the foundation

By August 31st, the foundation was done!

framing the exterior

It took less than a week for all of the foundation and framing to be started. Needless to say, I was shocked, but thrilled!

framing the house We’ve spent the last couple of months taking trips to New Hampshire over the weekend to shop for the house and to see the progress. Gracie even met her new (best) friend, right across the street! framing the house street view

The exterior framing went up just as fast as the foundation did!

framing the house street view

  framing the house front view

  framing the house back view Coming in at about 2100 square feet, this house is the perfect upgrade from the 1500 square feet house we live  in now. When we were in looking at floor plan designs, we only had garage-under designs to choose from. We didn’t want to lose most of our basement space, so we opted to add a family room over the garage before the first plan was even printed. You can see more of our redesign and costs here. basement frame Now we can plan for David’s future mancave. 😉 In this house full of women, he sure does need one! basement frame Last but not least, the front door is in! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to choose the front door and I didn’t think to ask until it had already been delivered. However, everything else in our house will be customized just for us, so I think I can live with my new door. 😉 front door is in Did I mention how excited we are for this next chapter in our lives?? David owned his home when he was in the Navy, but I am brand spankin’ new to all this, and it had been the most amazing (and stressful) experience. Everything should be weather tight in our house by this point, I can’t wait for our next trip up to see! Have you ever built a new construction home? What parts did you find the most exciting? Let me know in the comments below!












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