The holidays are in full swing and I’ve realized, I’m not prepared! David and I have been building our first home and it has taken up all of our time, energy and most of all, sanity! This leaves me in a little bit of a lurch. You see, I am not one of those people that are amazing gift givers. If I can start a couple of months in advance, then usually I can wrangle something together. But if I’m on a deadline; the panic sets in. I can’t think, and my anxiety goes through the roof. I end up just rushing through the stores, eager to finish the shopping trip as fast as I can. Anything I can do to get out of those hot, bustling stores. When I get home, I have plenty of stuff, but it doesn’t really make sense. One year I was so disorganized, I had a hard time remembering what I bought everyone!
This year, I decided to master the art of gift-giving. I looked and looked and looked everywhere I could and discovered that typing in “what is the perfect gift for….” was not really going to give me that sentimental gift idea I was looking for. Not as quickly as just asking the individual themselves what they actually want for the holidays, but that kind of defeats the purpose, right? 😉 That’s when I realized that the secret to gift giving was just that, let them tell you. Don’t overthink, just listen. If you hear a friend complaining about having to cook, oogling something at the store she wouldn’t necessarily buy herself, make a mental note and jot it down later. What you might have seen as complaining is actually a gift hint, whether the speaker intends it as such, or not, and will be more sentimental than anything you find with a “what is the perfect gift for…” google search. 🙂
You can download my gift organizing printable here. Have a wonderful holiday!