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The holidays are in full swing and I’ve realized, I’m not prepared! David and I have been building our first home and it has taken up all of our time, energy and most of all, sanity! This leaves me in a little bit of a lurch. You see, I am not one of those people that are amazing gift givers. If I can start a couple of months in advance, then usually I can wrangle something together. But if I’m on a deadline; the panic sets in. I can’t think, and my anxiety goes through the roof. I end up just rushing through the stores, eager to finish the shopping trip as fast as I can. Anything I can do to get out of those hot, bustling stores. When I get home, I have plenty of stuff, but it doesn’t really make sense. One year I was so disorganized, I had a hard time remembering what I bought everyone!

This year, I decided to master the art of gift-giving. I looked and looked and looked everywhere I could and discovered that typing in “what is the perfect gift for….” was not really going to give me that sentimental gift idea I was looking for. Not as quickly as just asking the individual themselves what they actually want for the holidays, but that kind of defeats the purpose, right? 😉 That’s when I realized that the secret to gift giving was just that, let them tell you. Don’t overthink, just listen. If you hear a friend complaining about having to cook, oogling something at the store she wouldn’t necessarily buy herself, make a mental note and jot it down later. What you might have seen as complaining is actually a gift hint, whether the speaker intends it as such, or not, and will be more sentimental than anything you find with a “what is the perfect gift for…” google search. 🙂

gift planner

You can download my gift organizing printable here. Have a wonderful holiday!

With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learn the secret to giving the most thoughtful, perfect gift to your loved ones.

With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learn the secret to giving the most thoughtful, perfect gift to your loved ones.

With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learn the secret to giving the most thoughtful, perfect gift to your loved ones.

With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learn the secret to giving the most thoughtful, perfect gift to your loved ones.

With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learn the secret to giving the most thoughtful, perfect gift to your loved ones.

With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learn the secret to giving the most thoughtful, perfect gift to your loved ones.

With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learn the secret to giving the most thoughtful, perfect gift to your loved ones.

















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