Today was one of those days. Nothing seemed to go right. The house was a mess, the kids were pulling at me, dinner isn’t made and I’m STILL in my pajamas. I needed a RESET! Thankfully, my wonderful husband recognized the desperation on my face when he came home and urged me to go upstairs, close the door and do whatever I needed to do to get out of my own head. So I did. I got in bed, pulled out my laptop and started to type. I didn’t know what I was going to write or where it was going to go but it soothed me. That was the reset that I needed to get back into the right headspace. Just to completely zone out and do something that wasn’t something that was expected of me, just something that I, myself, wanted to do. Of course it turned into it’s very own blog post. When I find myself “resetting” this way, it usually does. And when I find something that works for me, I just have to share it with you! So here are my top three ways for you to reset your head when you find yourself in a funk.
Do Something For You
When was the last time you took the time to do something for yourself? Took over the TV and binge watched your own show instead of Barbie on repeat? How about going for a walk alone? I know when I go for walks, the way I think and feel both during and after the walks are vastly different when I walk with my family versus walking alone. Whatever it is, do it for you. Without any expectation of an outcome or responsibility to anyone but yourself. It doesn’t have to take long, but whatever you do, do it for YOU!
Play Tag
I’m not joking. I couldn’t do it today because the kids were one of the reasons I needed my reset 😉 but it is AH-mazing what a game of tag can do for the soul. Stop what you are doing, the chores can wait. Pile the kids in the car and take them to the park. Go outside. Find someplace to run around and reconnect with your own inner child. Play games with them that you used to play and teach them how amazing playing outside was (and can be!) before iPads and video games were invented. Whatever you do, do it without electronics and have fun!
Stop Stinkin’ Thinkin’
This sounds more difficult than it really is. It’s a trick a previous therapist taught me that literally had me laughing at myself in the middle of my workday while I was with a client. Keep a piece of paper and pen in your pocket and every time a negative thought pops into your head make a line on the paper and make a conscious effort to think about something else. The first time, it’s hard. I’m not going to lie. But the more times you do it, the easier it gets. Before you know it, you’ll be laughing at yourself, just like I was because you will start grabbing for your pen and paper before you even realize it.
I really hope my three tips for helping you reset yourself and get you out of your funk and out of your own head. What are things you like doing when you find everything becoming too much for you? Let me know in the comments below!