Hello hello hello! Summer is in full swing and so are the backyard bar-b-ques! I love sitting outside during the summertime and smelling the mix of burgers on the grill and bonfires. One of my favorite sides is deviled eggs. Anyone else’s stomach jump for joy at the delish thought of the yummy goodness?? Just me? Okay… 😉
My husband is an engineer. I say this with a heart full of love; shaking my head and smiling. If there are instructions, he reads every single word, and follows them to a T. I never, ever thought I could peel pinterest perfect eggs, but then my husband, of all people, taught me the secret! He researched the “science” behind boiling an egg before he got to cooking; this is why his eggs always come out perfect and mine, well, don’t. 🙂 I let myself get carried away and use the directions as more of “suggestions”, so I can mix things up every now and then. 😉 Now, on to the science behind boiling eggs….
You’ll need:
-12-18 eggs
-1/8tsp paprika (smoked, spanish, regular, whatever kind you have in the cupboard or that came on the little countertop spinner thing you got for your wedding that has all sorts of herbs you’ll probably never use, yep, that one works too)
-1/2c mayo (you can substitute greek yogurt as a healthier option 😉 but it’s not nearly as yummy 😉
-2 tsp mustard (again, whatever you have is fine, but I prefer dijon)
-2 tsp white vinegar
-1/8 tsp salt
-1/8tsp pepper
garnish of your choice (parsley, chives, bacon, etc)
SIDE NOTE: This is a great time to check your eggs for freshness. If an egg has spoiled it will release gases and cause the egg to float. If the egg is still fresh then it will sink. Easy peasy, lemon squeasy. Check out this article for more info on that.
“You have to be precise if you want the perfect eggs” according to my husband. I usually boil an 18 count, use 12 for deviled eggs, and the other 6 for another meal/snack. Boiling extra not only allows for a lot more room for error, but gives you extra yolks so you can make your eggs extra full. Simple enough, right? 😉 Moving on…
Mama always says a watched pot never boils, but you either have to watch it, or take mama’s wisdom to heart, like me, and check on the eggs every few minutes, until it comes to a boil. Boil for 17 minutes (exactly! says Dave) and begin preparing your ice bath. If your sink isn’t empty, now would be an awesome time to take care of that too. I’m a mom, I totally know how to multitask, especially with chores. 😉
SIDE NOTE: Do not roll the eggs between your hands and the counter to break the shell. The extra pressure of rolling breaks the egg white. Instead, tap the egg gently until the entire surface is cracked.
SIDE NOTE: Use the sides of your thumbs when peeling, pull the shell away from the egg white, do not dig your fingers into the egg to loosen the shell. Running the egg under warm water while peeling will help you do that.
Whoops! If this happens, stop peeling immediately! Turn the egg over and start fresh in a new spot to prevent further damage.
Once you have peeled all of your eggs, slice them in half lengthwise. Gently squeeze the sides of the egg to release the yolks. Collect them in a bowl and add the rest of your ingredients. This is an awesome time for your kiddos to join in, they will LOVE stirring, trust me 😉 The more you stir, the smoother the mixture, so let them go to town. It’s also a great time to practice taking turns if you have more than one kiddo that likes to help. 😉 If you would rather, you can use a mixer to whip up the innards instead.
Now that your kiddos have gotten all their desire to stir out of their system and have run off to destroy the house you just cleaned up for the 15 thousandth time, you can either scoop spoonfuls of the mixture into each egg with a spoon, or, you can load the mixture into a pastry bag and squeeze in a swirly motion to make them look purrrty for your bbq.
SIDE NOTE: When you are filling your bag, push it down into a cup and fold the edges over to help prevent wasting any of that yummy goodness. Using a ziplock baggie instead of a pastry bag makes transporting premade filling super easy. Once you get to your destination, snip off a bottom corner and you have your very own makeshift pastry bag. 🙂
Finally, garnish with whatever you like, I use a sprinkle of paprika for that classic look. =] Now, eat up and enjoy!!