With everyone in the world forced to stay at home, work at home, and spend most of our time at home because of the pandemic, everyone is looking for more ways to get active and stay productive during quarantine. It can be easy to let the days slip away whilst you are working, the children are learning, or you’re working on making sure the children are learning, without a walk or nutritious meal. We still need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves and our families during these long periods at home so our overall health doesn’t suffer. Here are some top tips for keeping you and your family healthier at home.
Get Regular check-ups
Doctor ‘s offices and hospitals are still open during the pandemic. So, regular checkups are still necessary. Our pediatrician’s office has done telephone and virtual calls during the pandemic and has even started allowing more in office visits, so there is no excuse not to keep up with them. If you’re looking for new pediatricians office for your children you will want to make sure you have a good rapport with them and your child is comfortable. Keeping up with your regular doctor appointments is one of the best ways to keep your family healthier at home.
Play outside
I am SO EXCITED that spring is here because that means summer is right around the corner! I love going on walks; it’s one of the best ways to exercise when you have to manage chronic pain every day. Walking together as a family is a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Playing outside also encourages children to be active and stay moving throughout the day. If you do not have a yard to play in, use park spaces, a beach, or find a trail close by so you are still getting your exercise in and getting some fresh air.
Get everyone involved with the cooking
Cooking at home is a good way to keep your family healthier at home, and save money! We used to spend a crazy amount of money every month on groceries and takeout, but when we realized just how much we were spending, we knew we needed to make a change. cooking more often at home has helped us save over $1000 a month on groceries and restaurants. It’s even better to involve the whole family when cooking. Take children to the grocery store and teach them how to read labels so they can help choose healthier products. Get the whole family with what recipe to choose and ingredients to use. If children get involved in the shopping, prep, cooking, and cleaning, they will be more interested in cooking and making healthier food choices. It’s also a great way to incorporate teaching basic math skills too if you let them help measure out ingredients. My kiddos love helping chop things up, so ordering kids safety knives like these are a great investment if your children want to help with the chopping too.
Eat together
When we began eating all our meals together at the table, or even outside, we noticed a big difference in the overall experience. My kids started moving outside of their comfort zone and trying new things. Having them help with the cooking also makes them more likely to eat whatever is on the menu for dinner. Eating together will also allow you to keep a close eye on how much your children are eating. We love to use dinner time to talk and connect with each other. I made some conversation cards with various random questions and different border colors. I keep them in a tin on our dinner table and have popsicle sticks in matching colors. We all take turns picking a popsicle stick and blindly choose a card in a matching color and each take turns answering it and exposing each others’ ideas.
Communicate often
Communication is a big one when it comes to keeping your family healthier at home. Good communication will not only ensure quality time but could make it easier for the whole family to agree on many healthier decisions. I am really big on just talking to my kids so I can understand them and their thought process easier. This allows me to parent in a way that I rarely need to discipline them for misbehaving. Families can eat better, exercise, get enough sleep and reduce their stress levels if they just communicate more often too.
I hope these are a few ideas to keep your family healthier at home. Exercise, communication, and diet are key to a happier and healthier lifestyle at any age.
Talk soon!